Madison turned 7 yesterday, my baby girl is getting so big. We went ahead and gave her, her big girl bike which she loves and a NDS game, Braz Girls Rock. I broke my all time rule of "I will never allow Bratz Dolls to come into my house", at Christmas lol. I had read that they will no longer be made in 2009, so I gave in and bought her 3 of the Girls Rock Dolls, hey I figure most rock band girls look like that anyway, so I gave in.
We are going to have her "real" party at Chuck E Cheese on the 10th. That way she can invite some friends from school.
I picked up some great bargains at K-Mart on little girl clothes a couple weeks ago and made this zebra bling bow for Maddy.....
It goes with this really cute tunic and black pant set.
We bought the kids Colts shirts for Christmas and of course you know, here's the bow....
I also made her a necklace and earrings, will have to post a picture of that soon too.
Please keep my son Carl and his family in your prayers, they are seperated and he is
really having a hard time of it right now. I have new pictures of my grandsons and I will update their picture on Saturday.
Wanda has about a month to go now. I met the adoptive couple and they seem real nice. They have been burned twice now by young girls and I believe my sister will go through with it, but only time will tell. She did get a new dog, so I think that will help a lot.
Well I need to drag my butt to bed....