Missing Pieces
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I hate to paint......
Now back to the painting issue....we are remodeling our downstairs family room and this means new carpet and paint, new couch, tables, chair, tv stand etc. I'm putting a light brown/dark brown on the walls, there is a chair rail to seperate the two colors, I think it will look nice when done. I have had to strip off wallpaper, so it's taking some time. I have to do some repair to the walls as I go, what a pain in the ass, I wish I was rich enough to pay someone to do it LOL, but alas were not, so the work goes on. We have lived here now almost 13 years and have just about remodeled every room from roof to basement floor.
Well gotta run, 1:15 am comes early.......
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I have this love/hate thing about summer........
Tomorrow we go for a visit with Dr. Castellanos, he is Hayden's neurologist. Be interesting what he will have to say about the whole brain tumor thing. Well I need to once again do some wash, tata for now....
Friday, June 15, 2007
Busy, busy, busy week..........
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The rock is down, and why oh why didn't we do that years ago....
Our grandson Spencer is coming today to swim and the next door neighbors 3 boys, so it should be lots of fun for the kids, they love having company. Hayden didn't want to swim yesterday, he wanted to stay in the house and "watch" videos. So we let him, but today he will go outside, sometimes his disorder affects him so much, he can't play like the rest of the kids. It breaks my heart to see the other kids being normal kids in the summer. But I remind myself, this is what makes him happy...
Well I need to go an vacumn the pool, will post pictures later....

This is Hayden with his beloved Thomas Train and James Train, he swam today and had lots of fun....

This is Miss Madison, she is nothing more then a water bug.....

This is Robert Wayne, he is a big ham.......

This is Trevor Reese, this was not a "staged" photo, he really said "what mom"...

This is our grandson Spencer, who, like Miss Maddy is a water bug.....

This is the new rock and patio blocks around the pool....pretty cool
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Mom, the water is cold, but we don't care......
Posted my new picture of my adorable grandson's Spencer and Clayton. Here are a couple more......

I feel so blessed to have these boys in my life.
Took the kids to the dentist today. Robert has to have braces, no new news there, the poor kid needs a spacer on his top teeth, his "fangs" are actually behind his front teeth. It will cost us out of pocket about $1800.00, but I think they will let me spread the payments out 24 months. You have to put down $700.00 the day they put them on, so what is left over won't be to bad in 24 payments. I had to do the same thing with their big brother Carl.
Karen from the Indiana Children's Wish fund called today, to make sure we were still going ahead with Hayden's request. I told her he didn't have brain cancer, but she said he still has a life threatning disease, to apply anyway. So we will see, I will not say anything to the kids, till we know for sure.
Well I need to go do some more laundry, I swear that is all I think I do anymore LOL. see ya!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Took the cover off the pool, YUCK.........
Got my new rings today, I 've never had white gold, but I like them....

Robert, Trevor and Maddy have a dentist appointment tomorrow (Hayden goes to Riley), so that should be fun. Think I might take them to McDonald's or the park after lunch.
In the summer, I try to visit a new park each week. We have lots of schools here, so there are a lot to choose from.
I got some new pictures of the grandkids, I need to scan them, so I can post them, they are soooo cute. Well I need to drag my scummy butt into the shower, later....
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Added a picture slide of some of my favorites layouts....
Monday, June 4, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
The Pool is Up...........
Well we finally got the pool up and running yesterday. Of course the kids think they can swim in it now LOL. Had to take Madison to the Dr. yesterday. I thought she had a UTI, but that was negative. Poor thing was really hurting when she tried to go potty.
My niece Jennifer graduated today. She was the salutatorian of her class. She will be attending Purdue in the fall. She wants to be a pharmacist, she is very bright, and I am so proud of her. I know it was very hard for Linda, because mom wasn't with us today. My brother Bill, god love him, is such a geek. He locked his keys in his truck, but was able to get them out pretty quick. Her Aunt Debbie was visiting from Texas, which was nice. Well I have about 10 loads of laundry to do, does it ever end??????????
Friday, June 1, 2007
He was sooo brave today......
Went to Wal-mart for patio blocks & river pebbles to go around the pool. We had such a mud mess last year, I'm hoping this will help.
Wanda is still a guest, her slum-lord is slowly, making progress on her bathroom. I'm sure she will be glad when her and Gizmo the wonder dog can go home. Well I'm toast, off to bed......