Anyway, our reclining sofa, new 10 years ago to the cost of 1200.00 was looking shabby, the sofa still sits fine, but the fabric, well take 2 dogs, and 5 kids through the years need I say more.....
Not wanting to spend another 1200-1500 on a new sofa (we can only have the ones with dual recliners, because they must be Lazy-Boy, because the 3 backs will come off, to fit down our stairs to our basement)
I picked up a very nice pretty slipcover at Meijers the other day. It's beige with dark red/ brown/yellow stripes. And it does not look too bad on the sofa.
We had stripped off the old blue wallpaper below our oak trim used as a chair rail. Above that used to be white, now it's a beige and below it's a milk chocolate brown (the new carpet is a shade or two darker then that)
Once I had the slipcover in place, I thought some toss pillows would be nice, and pulled the dark red out of the color scheme.
I picked up two nice pillows at Wal-Mart and found the same color/fabric in 2 curtain toppers (we have small basement type windows in this room) of this dark red.
I never would have thought shades of brown would look nice with dark red, but I really, really like it.....of course DH who is decorating challenged, just mumbled it looks ok LOL.
Here is a picture of the sofa.....
and here are the curtain toppers, we have the small basement windows......
Ok, we had our visit with the Dr. at the metobolic clinic on Wednesday. The Dr. was very kind and nice. He thinks Hayden's carnitine low level is due to his diet. We can see that being the reason. I mean the kid only eats, eggo cinn. waffles with butter only-no syrup for breakfast, chicken nuggets-only Banquet brand, fries, fish crackers, oreos, vanilla wafers, saltine crackers and cool-aid with half the sugar they recommend you add, and maybe just maybe he will eat a grilled cheese sandwich.
When he was little he would eat a lot more things, but through the years he has self limited his diet down to these things. He will throw up if you try to get him to eat other things.
He did say he thinks Hayden's autism like behavior is genetic. So we really didn't learn anything new. He wants us to add 1000mg of calcium to his diet. Yeh right!! So I contacted the local CVS and ordered a clear, non-flavored calcium to add to his medicine each night, I just hope he doesn't need like 4-5 tablespoons of the stuff, if so we are SOL.
My crazy sister Wanda is trying to pull some shit again. She only gets about $625.00
a month in SS, and she is not paying her gas, electric, phone this month and short payed her rent by $30.00, so she is either buying drugs again or something. She will lie to me and it just really makes me so sad she has this addiction. I have helped her about all I can. I will not pay her bills for her. And if she ends up on the street so be it, I'm done with this crap. It's bad enough she stole those checks from her elderly neighbor and cashed them and she is looking to be arrested for this back in the spring. Some people just never grow up, and she is one of them, it's like she is 15 years old. I thank god mom is gone now and can't be hurt by her anymore.
Well next week is the last week of summer school and I know Trevor is glad, wow they actually make you do "real" school work in summer school LOL. He struggles with the math and Robert struggles with the reading/understanding. Then they have a week off, then they start school on the 20th, can we say amen brothers and sisters LOL. Madison will be going into the kindergarden, only 1/2 day, but were getting somewhere now. I don't know what I will do next year when they are ALL in school full time LOL. I have offered to take care of my grandson Spencer for Carl and Serena, so they only have to pay the sitter for Clayton, this will save them $65.00 a week, since he too is starting kindergarden.
Well I have been busy trying to record all of our home movies into DVD's, I bought a DVD burner for my pc, so we will see how hard this is to do LOL. I have a DVD recorder already, but I want to be able to edit them to.
Man this hot weather sucks big time, got my electric bill and it was $300.00 that is the largest bill to date. I think they made a mistake last month as it was only $85.00.
Well I need to get off here so I can install that DVD recorder in my pc, wish me luck lol, I will need it......
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