We took the pool down last weekend. I think we are going to get a bigger pool next year? The kids are getting bigger now and need more room to swim/play. Also I think I want one that stays up year round. I have owned a 24 foot round one in my past life (before Mark) and loved how easy it was to open/close. We wouldn't be able to have one that big and it would have to be a oval shape, but I think you can get them for under $1,000.00, which is about all we can afford right now.
The genetics clinic called on Friday and Hayden does qualify for the Cleveland Study on the Pten mutation, so I will find out more information on this. He's been having some behavior issues in school, mostly anger and such, not sure why, we haven't changed his meds at all. And we haven't seen this at home, of course we don't make him "work" either LOL.
I have some pictures of the kids from the first day of school, I made a layout for my desktop and will share it with you.....

Got the pictures back from the family reunion and my stupid 35mm camera is adding a red line along the side of each photo. I'm so bummed, I can't afford a new camera right now. I do have a nice digital one, but I still use my 35mm all the time.
The kids are getting excited about our Disney Trip. They called Mark at work the other day and needed some pictures of Hayden for their fundraising ball. So I emailed them about 6 of them. 29 days and counting. We did find out we will be flying ATA on Monday the 8th. Our flight time is 11:05am, so we will need to leave the house about 8:00am to get there in time.
I burned the first dvd of the home movies yesterday, it has the first 2, 30 minute vhs videos on it. This program I'm using called Studio is great, once you learn it. And of course I had to do the whole upgrade grahics card thing and add ram so the program would run like it's supposed to LOL. Not only can you edit out crap, you can add really cool clip transitions and titles. Call me a soccer mom geek LOL.
I need to go and put some more "mud" on the drywall in my room, where Mark fixed the wall after our small flood.
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