It's been in the 50's all week till today, it's 39 right now and Mark is telling me it may snow a little later today, Indiana weather of course LOL.
Well we are day 6 of Hayden's new siezure meds-Trileptal, we have seen some crying jags and temper tantrums, but other then that were good to go so far, it will take a full 6 weeks to get up to the full dose, so we shall see.
When I went to pick up the kids at school yesterday, the power was out! Had been out for about an hour, so the kids were all in the hallways working on homework. The power company had just arrived and was working on it, so Robert and Trevor's volleyball practice was cancelled.
Wanda came and watched the kids, so we could go to dinner and get groceries. We are now taking turns with Mark's mom and Wanda-my sister watching the kids on Friday nights. Seems to working out so far.
Wanda is doing well with the pregancy, she is getting real big LOL. The adoptive soon to be parents are going to pay for a ultrasound sometime in the first of December. Medicaid will only do one per pg and she had to have one early on to see how far along she was and they weren't able to see what sex the baby was. Wanda was so upset to hear this, but it looks like it will take place after all. I emailed the couple some pics of Wanda growing up, she was a cutie as a baby, still is.
Mark hung me a real nice pole in the laundry room, no not for dancing LOL...but for the hung clothes as I do the laundry, which I'm doing again today.
I really should re-name my blog, the laundry womens web blog LOL.
I did get some photos of the new hairbows I made in the last few days along with the clothes they go with....

This is a real pretty dress I picked up at Wal-Mart for $6.00, can you believe it.

Same dress, different color and style....

This is a really pretty sweater, that was given to Madison from Aunt Wanda, her next door neighbor was moving las summer and got rid of some things her kids had and Wanda grabbed this, I love the colors.
Well as always, have a load to fold, tata for now....