Dang but it's cold around these parts today, 33 degrees right now. The boys had volley ball practice today and they came out to the car in shorts can we say brrrrrr.
Robert got new bands and wires on his teeth today-get this, as of this morning, Robert had a rather big gap in between his front teeth and as of this evening it's gone, can we say wow!!!that is fast.
Hayden seems to be doing very well with the new meds right now and seems more
with it. He went to the potty by himself tonight YES we like that.
Are you smarter then a 5th grader, well no LOL. The boys are getting into some
math, I have long ago forgotten how to do, it's like going back to gradeschool I tell ya.
I finished another hairbow for Maddy to match her LPS skunk t-shirt. She loves LPS and has all kinds of them.....

She wore a white turtle neck with it today and looked very cute.
This morning while the boys were getting their coats on, I noticed a very big tear in Robert's coat, the fabric was GONE, I said "Robert Wayne, what in the world happened to your (brand new from last year) coat. Oh Mom, I was climbing a fence at the park yesterday and I got caught on the top, like it was nothing. BOYS!!!
Well, gotta go and work on a Thanksgiving Day hairbow LOL....
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