The kids had great summer, we got a new-bigger swimming pool and they lived in it most of the summer. Swimming is one of Hayden's favorite pastimes. The hosta plants my sister Kim planted for me last fall came in wonderful and very big. I was shocked at how big there were. I was able to separate some and plant some more in the back yard along the fence.
Found out my baby sister, you know the one with past drug issues is pregnant. Best thing that ever happened to her. She is totally clean and sober for the first time in years. She is not keeping the baby, she knows she can't do it. She is adopting the baby out to a very nice couple from Indiana and is due in Feb/09. She is off house arrest and has been visiting with us every other Friday and is having so much fun with the kids.
The kids started back to school in late August and Madison loves going all day in first grade. Hayden's old aid from 3rd grade came back to work with him, her name is Karen and she does very well with him. The boys are in the very last year of grade school and I'm kind of sad about it. Robert and Trevor are in the same room for the very first time ever and Trevor does not deal with it very well. Because of Roberts Aspergers he gets on Trevor's nerves sometimes. I have tried to teach Trevor to be more patient with him, he does very well with Hayden, but of course Hayden does not argue with him.
The boys are playing volleyball 2 days a week and get tutoring 2 days a week and are very busy with homework. Hayden goes to speech on Monday's and now has the Indiana Support Services Waiver in place. What does that mean to us? He gets some paid time with an aid to go out in the community and do things and he also gets an aid for some respite care at home. Were still very new to it and Mark's cousin's daughter Ashley is doing the respite care 4 hours a week. We are still trying to hire an outside aid at this time.
We are seeing a new neurologist, Dr. Lisa McGuire in Indianapolis and she is wonderful. Hayden had a 24 hour EEG on Oct 5 and the results were abnormal of course. He is having seizures in the left side of his brain, which is where your speech funtion is. So were trying some new meds Trileptal, won't know for a couple months if it works. We go back on Dec 4 to see the Dr.
I have a new hobby, like I need another one LOL!! When the kids went to take school pictures this year, which I need to post soon, I could not find one decent hair bow for Madison's hair. Well.....I searched the internet and found this whole circle of people who make hair bows and sell them. Well I didn't want to sell any, just make some. So I bought some instructions and some fantastic templates and some ribbon and the rest is history LOL.
Here is a picture of one of the Halloween sets I made her..

Not a pro by any means, but it's lots of fun.
Well I will try to post more often I promise, but got to run for now....
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