Missing Pieces

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Took the cover off the pool, YUCK.........

talk about some nasty water LOL. So added some more chemicals. I just wish we had enough room for an inground pool, but we don't so enough venting about that. Of course the kids think they can swim in this crap.
Got my new rings today, I 've never had white gold, but I like them....

Robert, Trevor and Maddy have a dentist appointment tomorrow (Hayden goes to Riley), so that should be fun. Think I might take them to McDonald's or the park after lunch.
In the summer, I try to visit a new park each week. We have lots of schools here, so there are a lot to choose from.
I got some new pictures of the grandkids, I need to scan them, so I can post them, they are soooo cute. Well I need to drag my scummy butt into the shower, later....

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